Adventures to Bolam Lake Country Park, Northumberland

Northumberland has so many wonders to offer, and Bolam Lake is no exception. It’s somewhere I had never heard of before visiting. And quite frankly, I believe it to be a hidden gem in Northumberland. So here in this post, I’ve got all the information you need to discover this amazing spot yourself!

Bolam Lake is so close to home, it literally took less than 1 hour to get there, and the drive was really easy with mostly motorways, making it a great find.

Postcode for Bolam Lake: NE20 0HE

There were several car parks around the lake. We were fortunate to find one that was free (only because the machine was missing!). Parking however wasn’t too expensive;

The entire area had a one-way system meaning there was only one way to walk around the lake. This made us feel so safe and reassured. Of course, there were people not following this system, and a few large groups of people (obviously not one household), but it was pretty easy to avoid these. Social distancing wasn’t very difficult to follow at all!

Taking in the view

The visitors centre isn’t yet open, however, THE TOILETS ARE!!! Which is always a pleasant surprise right now! There was also an ice cream van, which of course we had to sample!

A classic 99!

The lake itself is very easy to walk around and didn’t take too long either. There were lots of people with pushchairs and children, so it’s definitely kid-friendly!

This initial walk was fairly busy however, when we came back from our long walk later in the day, it was so much quieter.

The longer walk took us down the road and we turned off and up onto the fields.

Once up here, we got the most amazing views over Northumberland.

The view from Shartoe Crags

We stopped on the way to have a picnic. There were lots of places with amazing views, but no benches, so a picnic blanket is essential!

The view from our picnic spot!

We then headed up the hill, through the fields and onto Shaftoe Crags.

The view from here was incredible, but the wind was awfully strong! We headed back down the hill on the other side. We ended up walking through the windiest field in the Northeast!

The way the wind was blowing in the field was beautiful!

We also found this adorable family of horses, with the baby being so friendly and interested in us.

Mama and baby horse!

Overall, our adventure to Bolam Lake Country Park was amazing, with some of the most incredible views of Northumberland. But most importantly, the most amazing people in my life!

A social distanced family photo!

Overall, Bolam Lake and the surrounding area was an amazing find and a really good hidden gem of Northumberland. I really recommend visiting, especially now with all the social distancing and one way systems they have in place!

Stay Safe, and Happy Adventures!


  1. This stroll looks like something straight out of a dream! The contrast between the sky and the green is unreal. I bet the fresh air was epic as well.

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